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Benefits of Apple Vinegar for Beauty

Benefits of Apple Vinegar for Beauty

Benefits of Apple Vinegar for Beauty

Apple cider vinegar has 10 beauty and health benefits for the body. The ingredients in the kitchen started to receive attention for skin care. This is because the natural material, inexpensive, and easily obtained. Apple cider vinegar include kitchen materials that can be used for facial and body treatments. Here are 10 benefits of apple cider vinegar as reported by the Huffingtonpost recently. 

1. Cleansing Hair 
Apple cider vinegar will clean the residue that is left behind by the hair products such as gel, hair spray, and others. The use of apple cider vinegar as a hair rinse will make the hair shine and grow healthier hair. 

2. Toner 
Apple cider vinegar is useful for addressing inflammation. Pour the apple cider vinegar on a cotton swab in the T-zone area or part of the acne. Scarlett Johansson often use apple cider vinegar toner as part of a ritual cleansing the face. 

3. Cleanser mouth 
Mix apple cider vinegar with water. Then use like cleaning the mouth. A mixture of apple cider vinegar and water will kill the bacteria that create bad breath. 

4. Masque 
Usually the water so the mixture is roses. But there is no harm in taking apple cider vinegar as an alternative. Mix the mask powder with apple vinegar until it becomes a paste. Mask with a mixture of apple cider vinegar will give the skin a more subtle effect. However, this is not recommended for sensitive skin. 

5. Cleansing the body 
Mix some apple cider vinegar into a cup of warm water that will be used for bathing. This will make the skin moist and smooth. 

6. Scrapers skin bulge 
If you have a wound that is slowly becoming a bulge of skin, you can use apple cider vinegar as a skin scraper. Soak cotton in apple cider vinegar. Then put it in the desired place. Cover with gauze. Leave on overnight and wash off. If done regularly, within a week you can already see the results. 

7. Pedicure 
Apple cider vinegar will give a soothing effect to the feet are swollen. Suitable for the hobby running, wearing high heels, pregnant women, or people who use the flip-flops. 

8. Burned skin 
Minimize the pain. Compress the burned skin with a towel that has been soaked in apple cider vinegar. 

9. Removers plaques 
Is the same as wearing a toner. Rub it where you want and see the results. 

10. Deodorant 
Apple cider vinegar does have strong odors. However, when used to treat body odor, apple vinegar will neutralize the odor caused.

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Posted by Dinda Nurkholifah Takwiniah, Published at 8:38 AM and have 0 comments

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