This blog contain about the benefits of eating fruit which is accompanied by an explanation of the contain that is contained in these fruit.

Benefits of Papaya Leaves

Benefits of Papaya Leaves

Papaya is a plant that originated from the Americas precisely Mexico. Papaya Carica papaya has the Latin name is entered in the family Caricaceae. Besides eaten just as the fruit is ripe, young papaya commonly cooked as stir-fry. 

Benefits of Papaya Leaves

Likewise with papaya leaves, often used as a condiment to eat fresh vegetables friends. However, the benefits of papaya leaf vegetables not only a friend to eat rice. Since time immemorial papaya leaves has been used as a traditional medicine that is able to overcome the disease. Some of the diseases that can be treated with herbs papaya among others worms, malnutrition in infants, dengue fever, and menstrual pain. In fact, according to recent research papaya also able to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. 

In addition to the leaves, roots and tree sap papaya is also often used as a drug. Even papaya seeds can also be used as a drug to treat intestinal worms. While flowers are often cooked as stir-fry. 

Papaya Leaf Nutrient 

Papaya leaves contain various substances, such as Vitamin A 18250 SI, Vitamin B1 0.15 mg, vitamin C 140 mg, Calories 79 calories, 8.0 grams protein, 2 grams fat, 11.9 grams carbohydrate, 353 mg Calcium , Phosphorus 63 mg, Iron 0.8 mg, 75.4 grams of water. Content carposide on papaya efficacious as an anthelmintic. 

Besides the leaves, roots and papaya latex also contains papayotin, karpain, kautsyuk, karposit and vitamins. 

Benefits of Papaya Leaves for Health 

Treating Dengue Fever 
Dengue fever can be overcome by using papaya leaves. The trick take 5 pieces of papaya leaves or moderation then boiled in 3 cups water until the remaining 1 cup only. Water rebusa papaya leaves is drunk as well. Should not be excessive in consuming papaya except if it is in an alarming stage. 

Increasing Appetite 
To increase appetite, prepare fresh papaya leaf palm-sized, a little salt, and half a cup of warm water. All the ingredients are mixed, pounded or blended, then filtered to take water and then drunk. This herb is safe, even for children though. 

Treating Dysmenorrhea 
Mixture of papaya leaves and tamarind, are quite effective in resolving pain due dtang months. How, provide 1 papaya leaves, tamarind, salt to taste and water are mixed and boiled until cooked. For better efficacy should be drunk while warm. 

Staged Digestion 
The content in papaya called karpain very good for us because karpainlah digestive tract that help kill micro-organisms in the digestive disturb us. How to consume papaya leaves as a friend to eat rice or vegetables. 

Anti-Acne Mask 
In addition to health benefits, papaya is also efficacious for beauty, especially in eliminating acne. How to use papaya leaves must be dried first, then crushed and mixed with water and then rubbed into the face as well as the mask in general. 

Anticancer compounds 
Of the several studies described, stems and leaves of papaya contains many milky white sap (milky white latex), which likely developed as anticancer, as quoted from the Journal of the Society of Biology. The sap is automatically obtained when we consume papaya leaves, cooked in any way. 

Toddler Treat Stomach Pain 
For mothers who have children flatulence pain, can be treated by using papaya leaf herb. The trick provide 2 pieces of papaya leaves, 3 sprigs of leaves dadap spare, whiting taste. All of these ingredients together until finely ground. Use as a powder and applied to the abdomen sick toddler. 

Nutritional Deficiencies in Toddlers 
Papaya leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals. If you are malnourished toddler use papaya to overcome. Prepare 1 papaya leaves, washed and boiled with 1.5 cups of water to boiling, filtered to take water. Then drunk in infants two tablespoons every day. 

The other benefits 
In addition to some of the above benefits, papaya leaves can also be used to soften the meat. If you want to cook the meat, so tender boiled beef with papaya leaves. But not too much because the taste will be bitter. 

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Posted by Dinda Nurkholifah Takwiniah, Published at 2:28 PM and have 0 comments

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