Saturday, June 21, 2014

Benefits of Eating Kedodong Fruit

Kedondong fruit comes from Southeast Asia and South Asia. According to local belief, kedondong savory edible fruit. kedondong not appropriate for pregnant women because it is make the baby will be disturbed.

Internationally, the fruit which have sour flavor awesome called by the name of Ambarella. In the early 20th century, kedondong introduced to foreign countries, ranging from Australia to Jamaica.

Benefits of Eating Kedodong Fruit

Kedondong widely used for fruit salad, vegetable, and made pickles (chili kedondong). Young leaves are steamed used as animal feed. In every 100 grams of fruit contains 60-85 grams of water, 0.5-0.8 gram of protein, 0.3 to 1.8 grams of fat, 8 to 10.5 grams of sucrose, 0.85 to 3.60 grams of fiber. The flesh is a source of vitamin C and iron. While the immature fruit contains pectin approximately 10 percent.

Benefits of eating kedondong fruit

The content of the major nutrients in fruits kedondong is an element in the form of sucrose sugar that is important as the vitality and endurance. So it is the fiber content and the water is high enough useful in the conduct defecation (BAB) and prevent dehydration.

Kedondong fruit leaves can also be used as a vegetable. In some areas, young leaves can be steamed kedondong or boiled and used as fresh vegetables mixed with chili. It has good taste and delicious, especially when eaten with rice that is still warm.

The leaves and bark of the tree can be used as a treatment. The leaves and bark of this tree contains many flavanoida, saponins, and tannins. The content is very useful remedy to cure dysentery and cough cure disease.

Besides other benefit of eating kedondong fruit is to overcome diarrhea, use less than 15 grams of fresh bark kedondong been washed clean. Then cut into small pieces and boiled with 2 cups water for 15 minutes. Wait until cool then strain and filtered water can be taken 2 times a day.

1 comment:

  1. Kedondong fruit leaves can also be used as a vegetable. In some areas, young leaves can be steamed kedondong or boiled and used as fresh vegetables mixed with chili. It has good taste and delicious, especially when eaten with rice that is still warm. summer bed sheets , king size comforter size , gul ahmed bed sheets online shopping , bed sheet fancy , cotton duvet cover
