Friday, July 11, 2014

Benefits of Eating Bit

Bits are also known as beetroot or red beet. Bit is one of the varieties of Beta vulgaris. These plants such as roots, tubers resemble which has red colour and most frequently encountered in North America and the UK, but also can be found in Indonesia, usually sold in supermarkets. This fruit has round shape that tend to resemble sweet red or purple potatoes, has a characteristic odor, a unique and delicious taste.

Benefits of Eating Bit Fruit

Betalains are plant pigments that give yellow, orange, red, and purple on the leaves and fruit. One example is the red pigment betasianin, bits that belong to the red and yellow betalain pigment that has long been considered to be related to the anthocyanin.

Bit fruit contains vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B1, B2, B6, sodium, calcium, chlorine, copper, magnesium, manganese, potassium, iodine, phosphorus, sulfur and bioflavonoid, folic acid, biotin, niacin and fiber.

Benefits of eating bit fruit

The bit fruit is rich in vitamins, thus indirectly also has many benefits.
1. Beet Root is a rich source of phytochemical compounds, glycine betaine. Betaine has properties that can lower homocysteine ​​levels that are harmful to blood vessels. High levels of homocysteine ​​in the blood can make the development of coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke and peripheral vascular disease.
2. Leaves are also a source of carotenoids, flavonoid anti-oxidants, and vitamin A that has more content than the root. Vitamin A is useful to keep the mucous membranes healthy and important for vision. Consuming vegetables which rich in flavonoids helps to protect the body from lung cancer and oral cancer.
3. Consuming bit juice, according to researchers, can help you exercise longer without fatigue. In addition, a half-liter of bitt juice a day is effective for lowering blood pressure and improve health.
4. The experts in the UK and in the United States for patients with hypertension suggest drinking 500 ml of beetroot juice every day. It has been shown to markedly from bit juice lowers hypertension. The content of nitrate is also found in green leafy vegetables, lowers blood pressure. Results of research conducted by the Barts and The London School of Medicine and the Peninsula Medical School suggest this for a cheap way to reduce hypertension.
5. Reddish fruit bits that are associated with the color of human blood, so it is used to overcome the problem of anemia. Actually that anemia is iron-content is high enough, the turn back and regenerates red blood cells as well as the supply of oxygen is useful for the health of red blood cells.
6. Fruits bits can to resolve the problem of dandruff is stubborn, try boiling a little bit with a natural vinegar (apple cider vinegar). Then smeared-dab and gently massaged into the scalp. Let sit overnight wrapped in a towel. Wash and rinse the next day.

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