Friday, June 20, 2014

Benefits of Eating Carrot

Carrot is one of the common roots we consume everyday. The part that we consume is part tubers or roots. Carrots are biennial plants (life cycle of 12-24 months) which stores large amounts of carbohydrates for the plant flowering in the second years.

Carrots contains vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin E, Vitamin K and Potassium. Carrots were first introduced by the Greeks and Romans, then the information on the benefits of carrots is obtainable in their books that have been written since 230 years BC. Carrot plants grown wild and scattered islands in the region Central Asia, and parts of East Asia and spread to many countries, including Indonesia and the most common in the western Java.

Benefits of Eating Carrot

carrots contain lots of beta carotene average - average of 12,000 IU, experts recommend eating carrots 15000-25000 IU. Beta carotene is able to prevent cancer, because it has antioxidant properties that can work against destructive cells - cancer cells.

Another benefits of eating carrot is the carrot that can reduce hypertension as carrots contain minerals such as potassium which can neutralize the acid in the blood. In addition there is also a substance in carrots that pectin can lower cholesterol levels in the body.

Carrots also have the highest content of vitamin A, other than that there are a variety of advantages not found in other fruits. We can also get vitamin A from margarine and eggs, but if we consume both then indirectly we are also going to get unsaturated fats. but by eating carrots will not necessarily get unsaturated fats.

Fibers contained in carrots increase stool volume by 25% to become current affairs to the toilet. Carrots can be found easily in the market and disupermarket easily.

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