Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Benefits of Eating Passion Fruit

Passion fruit has the Latin name Passiflora quadrangularis L. This fruit rich in vitamin B is soothing, pottasium which can relax nervous system. This fruit commonly consumed South Americans are traditionally to aid sleep. In fact according to them, eating 1 passion fruit before bed can make a beautiful dream.

Passion fruit extract contains a phytochemical substances that can kill cancer cells. In Indonesia there are 2 types of purple passion fruit that is living in the highlands and yellow passion that can live in lowland. Sumatra and Sulawesi are passion fruit producing areas in Indonesia.

Benefits of Eating Passion Fruit

Passion fruit can be eaten in the fresh state, but generally the flesh is extracted and preserved by heating or cooling. Passion fruit juice has a characteristic odor and harsh, sour, can make natural concentrates
Benefits of Passion Fruit

The benefits of eating passion fruit are:

1. Overcoming cough
2. Facilitate the circulation of blood
3. Streamlining the ASI
4. Preventing allergies
5. Prevent cholesterol
6. Tighten Skin
7. Antiseptic
8. Antipyretics
9. Lowering the heat
10. Antibodies

Pessiflorance is one of the substances in passion fruit neutralize nerve function. Besides passion fruit also contains several vitamins, including vitamin A, C and E.

Passion fruit fibers in smooth functioning digestive tract. Skin color purple passion fruit and yellow indicates that the fruit contains antioxidants that can improve the body's antibodies. When we feel our endurance decreases, then there is no harm we can consume the passion fruit.

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