Sunday, June 29, 2014

Benefits of Eating Red Guava Fruit

Red guava may already be familiar to you, especially for those of you who have this fruit crop. This fruit can be a your daily diet. In this article I will discuss about the benefits of red guava fruit.

Red guava fruit has the Latin name Psidium Guajava. Guava fruit is widely spread throughout Asia, guava fruit entered Indonesia via Thailand. For some guava fruit is a favorite food is often consumed and is always available in each menu. But for those who consume the most fruits do not know and understand the benefits of red guava fruit.

Benefits of Eating Red Guava Fruit

Benefits of Eating Red Guava Fruit

1. Laxatives good
Benefits of red guava fruit is a good laxative because red guava are rich in soluble fiber. Fiber functions into layers of the intestine, thereby reducing exposure to toxins. To note that the cause comes from colon cancer.

2. Antioxidants and maintain healthy skin
Red guava fruit contains vitamins A and useful as an antioxidant flavonoids. Vitamin A is useful to maintain a layer of skin to keep it moist so the skin will always be healthy.

3. Protecting the lung and oral cavity cancers
Red guava fruit contains carotene which is useful to maintain the lungs and prevent oral cancer. If you are a fan of red guava fruit then do not worry you will be protected from oral cancer which is the most widely killer in the world.

4. Controlling blood pressure and heart rate.
Red guava fruit Potassium rich compared to other fruits such as bananas. Potassium compounds is an important component of cell and body fluids that help to control heart rate and blood pressure.

5. Losing weight
Benefits of red guava others that can lose weight. Red guava fruit can be consumed for those of you who are on a strict diet without protein intake. Red guava fruit is low in sugar compared to apples, if you consume 1 red guava fruit during the day, then you will begin to feel hungry at night.

Red guava fruit is most delicious when taken from the tree in a mature state, but there are some people who pluck guava red biki when still green and then stored in the room temperature by itself will mature. Red guava fruit has a ripe aroma tempting you to immediately consume this fruit.

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