Sunday, July 13, 2014

Advantages of Growing Grapes in The Yard

            Growing grapes in the yard now starting "a trend" again along with the emergence of cities that would like to highlight its superior commodities. As is the case in the town of Probolinggo, Situbondo, Kediri, Madiun also some other areas to develop the city abuzz with greening yard using vines. Likewise vying for a piece hobbyists grapes in her yard and just to satisfy their hobby but also provide benefits for the family. 

Advantages of Growing Grapes in The Yard

             Actually, if favorable growing grapes in the yard? Of course, this answer is not entirely unexpected by the reader. In light of the very profitable greening, aesthetically quite beautiful because it can serve as a pergola that appears shady yard shaded by grape trees, in terms of nutrition will clearly add to the nutritional needs of the family and when the number of plants pretty much by accident it can also be supplement the family income and of course there are many other advantages. With growing grapes in the maintenance yard can be done during leisure sideline after home office or after work so tired tiredness due to release the job face. Or it can also be done by mothers who are not too busy at home and there is no activity outside the home. Some of the experiences of those who have been growing grapes in the yard said that family income may increase if maintenance is occupied so fruitful crops. Initially the first fruit is usually designated for their own families and neighbors or close relatives, but after fruiting several times and the family was tired, popping people who want to buy and be bought and sold the grapes. Usually customers or buyers come alone and generally was booked long before the grapes are ripe. Similarly, some owners said vines in the yard in Kediri, Madiun, and other Probolinggo and flows of money from the sale of grapes that can add to the needs of the family kitchen. 

             Even more interesting is the beauty of a village in the district of Madiun because Klegen-way along the edge of the village planted grape varieties in Belgium so that the streets of the village was shaded with vines shade. To keep motor vehicles can go to the village then the-the elevated about 4 feet. It's all on the initiative of Mr. Sunyoto as RW in the village who do like agriculture. And it seems the name of the grape has met Klegen fruit market in Madison and the surrounding areas and communities that have vines in the yard is not difficult to market because of his association has been formed to deal with this. 

             The story above is a small example of successful urban communities are planting grapes in his yard that is not widespread. Generally they use a spacing that does not comply with the instructions grapes, because they only utilize the existing narrow area next to or in front of his house. 

The appropriate spacing is 3 mx 3 m for slow vegetative growth varieties and 4 mx 5 m for rapid vegetative growth varieties such as Belgian varieties. Belgium is one of the varieties of grape varieties growing rapidly nowadays especially widely planted in the yard and some on a large scale. The fruit is greenish yellow fruit bunches with a length between 15-20 cm and not just too big fruit grains when compared to grapes from Australia, but still comparable to bali grape or thinned fruit as long as the Blue Probolinggo. Excess Belgian varieties are stable for any prunings productivity and easy start to bear fruit in the lowlands to highlands medium. 

Advantages of Growing Grapes in The Yard 

             Choice of grape varieties that can be grown in the garden can be personalized but also selected in accordance with the height of the place. Some varieties such as Cardinal (Probolinggo Super) from Italy, varieties Xamgypt, Moscatto d'Adda, White Malaga, Belgium and the Red Prince and several other varieties can be grown in the lowlands. As for the plateau can be grown varieties such as Isabella, Delaware or Belgian varieties but generally different fruit flavors when grown in the lowlands. The sweet taste of fruit is strongly influenced by local environmental conditions such as soil conditions, high rainfall, air temperature and fertilization factors. Potassium nutrient used to fertilize plants can sweeten the taste of grape grapes. 
Plant Care 
              A month before the seeds are planted, the planting hole should be prepared first. The hole was dug with a length, width and depth of about 60 cm. Topsoil depth of 30 cm separated from the bottom layer, so that the upper layer of soil is not fertile soil mixed with the bottom layer which is usually less fertile. Planting hole that has been dug allowed 2 to 3 weeks for microorganisms harmful plants, dead. Then the hole refilled with a mixture of soil: manure: sand in the ratio 1:1:1 so the media becomes loose. Furthermore, if the field can be created with a size of 3 mx 3 m. Along the edge of the field if the hoe, so much as a small trench disposal of excess water. 

             Planting should be done before the end of the rainy season or dry season, to reduce the risk of various diseases affected plants. Grape seedlings planted deep roots neck, then watered to tamp the soil around the plant. Newly planted seedlings should be given to keep the foliage shade from the sun directly. Near the plants need to be given a stake / timber so that the propagation of new plants can grow upright creeping marker. 

             Grape in a large yard that has begun, should be propagated to the stronger-than the marker. Propagation models in addition to the-the shadowy yard also use sunlight more efficiently, because the vines horizontally. The propagation of the best-perception bebrbetuk four long or square with pillars of wood, bamboo or iron. Height of approximately 3 meters or according to requirements. Suppose for a pergola in front of the house so that the car can be shaded so high rack adapted to their needs. For propagation over the place-the, stretched woven bamboo or woven wire with a size of 15 cm x 15 cm or 20 cm x 20 cm. 

Fertilization is necessary to plant grapes in the yard, including Urea, SP 36, KCl and manure. Urea fertilizer required start young plants up to one year with age-appropriate dose of the plant, namely: 
  • Age 10 days - 3 months after planting as much as 10 g / tree, interval 10 days 
  • Age 3-6 months after planting as much as 15 g / phon, interval 15 days 
  • Age 6 months-1 year as much as 50 g / tree, 1-month intervals. 

Furthermore, a week before the first cut, complete plants fertilized with urea dose of 100 g + 80 g + SP -36 KCl 100 g per tree. Furthermore, the artificial fertilizers increased the proportion 50% every year until the age of 4 years old plants. As for plants older than 4 years, fertilization is done 3 times a year, a week before and after pruning. Annual dose is 600 g urea + 300 g SP-36 + 375 g KCL each tree. The amount of fertilizer above is for 6 times fertilization, crop year trimmed as much as 3 times. For manure is given once a year a year to plant the age of 4 years 30-40 kg per tree. Once the plant is more than 4 years old, manure is given once every 2 years with a rate of 180 kg / tree. Thus the plants still get extra nutrients, when production decreases which generally occurs at the age of 9-12 years. 

             Watering is necessary to start from scratch with the intention of planting to compact the soil around the newly planted seedlings. Watering is done continuously until late cuts even before the fruit is harvested. In the dry season can be made ​​3 days and the rainy season may be reduced or depending on soil moisture conditions. The amount of water spray is expected to wet the entire surface of the field and if the root zone below the soil surface. Noteworthy is not to spray stagnant water, because it can lead to root rot plants. Once a month if the field should digemburkan (didangir) so that the ground is not solid. If the field should also be kept clean of grass or other weeds that vines unrivaled in obtaining food from the ground. 

             Pruning is needed to form the rack and for fertilization. Plants that have nearly touching or touching the right of the start-trimmed (usually aged 6-7 months). Pruning is done when the top leaf buds have bloomed. Five days later would form the 4 pieces of primary branches. Furthermore, two primary branches directed to the North while the other two primary branches directed to the South. After the primary branches forming 10 or more eyes and strong enough vines on wires, trimming done again to form secondary branches. Pruning is done when the tip of the leaf buds have opened and green colored. Of each primary branch will appear 2 secondary branches, each of which is directed to the East and to the West after one year old plants can be forced to bear fruit by way of secondary memangkasnya.Cabang results Trimmings shape, trimmed and only 4-5 ditingggalkan eye. Of each secondary branch will be out 2 tertiary branches, so that the first cut will be generated from 16 tertiary branches. Two weeks later expected to appear tros / flower bunches of grapes. Formation of grapes will occur approximately 30-35 days after pruning or about 10-15 days after pollination. And fruit harvesting can be done about 100-110 days after the plants are trimmed depending on local weather conditions. After harvesting the plants can be driven back to fruition by way of trimming anyway. Previously plants need to be rested during the first 2 weeks, then fertilized once a week and then be trimmed. Which is trimmed tertiary branches that bear fruit, not all of them are trimmed but 4-6 is left eye. In addition to pruning the branches are cut, then the whole leaf is also dirompes stem plants so that only appear alone. 

             To enlarge the grain and the grape juice increases the sugar content of fruit thinning should be done when the 55 days and 75 days after pruning when the fruits of the seeds of soybean or corn. The trick is to throw away the fruits of abnormal, disease and leaving approximately 70 percent. Fruit thinning can use a small pointy scissors. 

             To avoid the disease, especially during the rainy season, then after rainfall or grape leaves should be sprayed with water. Chemical control using pesticides is the last alternative when high disease attack. Should use as a control plant (naturally) like neem seed powder, plant paitan, clove leaf or plants that can be used as pest control and disease around us. This is to avoid the danger of toxins and keep the environment around our homes because the vines are in our yard. In addition, to avoid the dangers of pesticide residues so that the crop we truly environmentally friendly. When the grapes we easily fall in the rainy season, this is one of the obstacles in the conception and the rainy season is already a genetic trait vines. But this can be avoided by providing shade in the form of a clear plastic roof is translucent so that the sun is still going on and the process of photosynthesis grapes still good despite the rainy season 

             In order for our grapes are picked at optimum age is necessary to note the characteristics of the optimal ripe fruit rind is covered with a clear powder and pieces fall off easily when exposed to friction. Usually the age of 100-110 days after pruning, optimum ripe grapes and has a sweet taste. Because non-climacteric fruit grapes including the harvesting of ripe age should consider optimal. If not then the fruit will taste sour and sweet will not increase after the crop is harvested.

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