Saturday, July 19, 2014

Benefits of Bananas for Diet

Gentle and soft texture is characteristic of bananas that make it easily digested and absorbed by the body. In addition, the nutrients in it is very good for your body 

Benefits of Bananas for Diet

Below is the nutritional content of bananas / 100 gr: 
calories: 97 kcals 
protein: 1.3 g 
fat: 0.6 g 
fiber: 21.6 g 
Calcium: 13 mg 
Phosphorus: 19 mg 
iron: 0.4 mg 
Potassium: 370 mg 
Beta carotene: 77 micrograms 
Vitamin B1: 0,004 mg 
Vitamin B2: 0.04 mg 
Vitamin B3: 0.6 mg 
Vitamin C: 8 mg

With the nutritional content, this fruit deserves to be included into the diet, as it can make the body stay in shape even if you are reducing food intake. 

One of the things that makes the fruit with yellow skin wana generally this is due to dissolution of carbohydrate content was claimed to help control weight. This type of carbohydrate also contribute significantly to trigger fat burning and filling effect. 

The content of other nutrients such as fiber and vitamins in bananas such as A, B, and C, can help facilitate the body's metabolic system, increase endurance of the disease-causing free radicals. As well as maintain the condition of your stomach remains full for a long time. 

For this type of banana alone, more nutrition experts recommend using Ambon and Cavendish banana. 

In order to get the maximum benefits of bananas in your diet, you should replace your breakfast menu with banana + a glass of warm water. Then try not to eat after 08 hours to arrive lunch. 

For more details on setting up a banana diet with this, please read the next article about banana diet rules.

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