Thursday, July 3, 2014

Benefits of Grape for Health

Grape fruit has many types, but the most familiar in Indonesian society is red grapes and green grapes. Grape fruit  are usually used to make grape juice, jelly, wine, grape seed oil and raisins, or eaten directly. 

Grape is rich in antioxidants thanks to the content of vitamin A and C is. Wine also contains calcium, iodine, manganese, potassium, zinc, selenium, and natural sugars like dextrose and glucose. 

Benefits of Grape for Health

Nutritional Content in 100 g of Grape 
Energy 288 kJ (69 kcal) 
Carbohydrates 18.1 g 
15:48 g sugar 
Dietary fiber 0.9 g 
00:16 Fat g 
Protein 0.72 g 
Thiamine (Vitamin B1) 0.069 mg (5%) 
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 12:07 mg (5%) 
Niacin (Vitamin B3) 0.188 mg (1%) 
Pantothenat Acid (Vitamin B5) 0:05 mg (1%) 
Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) 0086 mg (7%) 
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) 2 mg (1%) 
Cobalamin (vitamin B12) 0 mg (0%) 
Vitamin C 10.8 mg (18%) 
Vitamin K 22 mg (21%) 
Calcium 10 mg (1%) 
Iron 12:36 mg (3%) 
Magnesium 7 mg (2%) 
Manganese 0.071 mg (4%) 
Phosphorus 20 mg (3%) 
Potassium 191 mg (4%) 
3:02 mg sodium (0%) 
0:07 Zinc mg (1%) 
The percentage refers to U.S. recommendations for adults. 
Sources: USDA Nutrient Data 

Health Benefits of Fruit Wine 

With so many nutrients contained in grapes, making it the fruit is rich in benefits for humans. Here are some health benefits of grapes for: 

Preventing Coronary Heart 

The red grape  is touted to prevent coronary heart disease due to the content of phenolic compounds have powerful antioxidant properties. While resveratrol in red wine and black in particular, has the potential to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease (based on research conducted in Japan and the U.S.). Similarly, the content of saponinnya, can inhibit the absorption of cholesterol in the blood. 

Overcoming Insomnia 

An Italian study showed that in grape fruit there is melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate sleep the human biological clock. That way people with insomnia may wish to consume wine can treat sleep problems. 

Overcoming Hypertension 

The content of potassium and melatonin in grapes beneficial for controlling blood pressure, while the fiber content is able to clean up the blood vessels of the fat. 

Inhibiting Cancer Cells 

Antioxidant properties, compounds petrostilbene, acutimissin A, resveratrol, which is quite high elagik acid in grapes demonstrated its ability in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. 

Preventing Diabetes 

Manganese content in grape fruit could help maintain stable blood sugar. 

other benefits 

Vitamin C content in grape fruit is good for collagen formation, healthy gums, increase endurance, and accelerate wound healing. Sugar content is a source of instant energy. In addition, the grape fruit is also believed to be an aphrodisiac (sexual arousal plant foods). The content of boron in wine can also prevent osteoporosis. 

Note: Choose a wine that is still tight. When you are saved, grape fruit should be stored in the refrigerator to crispness and taste is maintained. When will be eaten, the wine should be washed thoroughly to reduce the levels of pesticide residues.

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