Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Benefits of Grapes to The Diet

Many alternative fruits that you can use as an alternative to make the body slim and maintain ideal weight remains. One is grapes. Consuming grapes routinely and regularly proven to help you lose weight and keep looking. 

Benefits of Grapes to The Diet

A study to determine the benefits of grapes have been carried out by two scientists from Purdue Uneversity that Kee-Hong Kim and Jung Yeon Kwon. They found that a compound in red wine, grapes and some other kind of fruit that is similar to the structure of resveratrol. This compound is able to block cellular processes that allow fat cells to develop. 

Both of these scientists also reported that there is a compound piceatannol in grapes that has the ability to block the immature fat cells to grow and thrive. Piceatannol is also good for your health because it is believed to fight cancer, heart disease and disease neurodegeratif. The scientists-even argued, that piceatannol might be one of the "important weapons" to fight obesity 

Piceatannol role for the obese 
Piceatannol Resveratrol is a result of the change. These changes occur in the human body after consumption of foods that contain these compounds. 

Piceatannol have the ability to alter gene expression, gene function and insulin action during adipogenesis is beginning the process of fat cells transform into mature fat cells. In the presence of piceatannol, then the process can be delayed or inhibited adipogenesis. 

Kim explained, over a period of 10 days or more, the fat cells in the body are usually not too ripe, this phase is called preadipocytes. But after going through several stages, the fat cells turn into mature, or so-called adipocytes. 

"We consider the process of adipogenesis is the right target to delay or prevent the accumulation of fat cells," he said. 

Kim added, piceatannol able to bind to insulin receptors of fat cells that have not matured in the first stage of adipogenesis process. Piceatannol also works by blocking the pathway of fat cells to produce and grow. 

Research on Piceatannol are also contained in the seeds and skins of grapes, blueberries, passion fruit and other fruits are still performed to better determine the benefits and usefulness for the health of the body apart from its role to inhibit the maturation process of fat in the body. 

By reading the above article, you certainly do not need to hesitate anymore to continue eating grapes, because the benefits of grapes to the diet has been proven scientifically.

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