Monday, July 28, 2014

Benefits of Lime Part 1

Lime or lemon lime is a herbaceous plant that bears fruit with the same name. This plant used fruit, which is usually round, green or yellow, has a diameter of 3-6 cm, has a sour taste and a somewhat bitter, somewhat similar to the taste of lemon. 

The content of lime per 100 g of her, there is a 51 cal calories, 0.9 g protein, 0.2 g fat, 11.4 gkarbohidrat, 0.5 g minerals, 33 mg calcium, 23 mg phosphorus, 0.4 mg iron, and 49 mg of ascorbic acid. Lemon also contains citric acid, amino acids (tryptophan, lysine), essential oils (citral, limonene, felandren, lemon camphor, kadinen, Gerani-lasetat, linali-lasetat, aktilaldehid, nildehid) resin, glycosides, citric acid, vitamin B1 , and C. 

This lime has a lot of benefits / health benefits for our bodies either consumed directly or as a mixture of traditional and modern for Obar. Here I have summarized the various benefits of lemon and how to cope with various diseases with lemon. 

Below will be delivered 42 benefits of lime and how to process them. Happy listening. 

1. Improve Endurance Body 
The content of vitamin C which is attached to this plant will provide protection against diseases caused by cold and various other ailments. With increased immune to maintain and protect the body from infection and disease. 

2. Lose Weight 
Weight watchers often recommends starting the day with a glass of warm lemon water. In addition to providing a feeling of fullness, lime also provide fiber and vitamin C that help you lose weight. 

3. Inhibits Aging 
The content of Vitamin C of lemon juice acts as a natural antioxidant. So that the body will be able to fight free radicals that are harmful to the body that causes a lot of damage to you.If want youthful skin, then drink a glass of warm lemon make sure you fight wrinkles due to aging. 

4. Lowering Cholesterol 
Flavonoids are found in lime juice called hesperidin also capable of lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels. So that lime consumption is closely linked to a lower risk of heart disease and stroke. 

5. Helps Improve Eye Health 
The content of vitamin C and antioxidants in orange juice may protect the eyes from aging and degeneration. In addition, its flavonoid content can provide protection to the eyes against irritation and infection. 

6. Good For Menopause Women's Health and Maternity 
In the lime contained calcium and folate, two nutrients that are important for menopausal women and pregnant women. Fresh lime juice containing at least 22 mg of calcium and 5 micrograms of folate. 

7 Anticancer Agents 
Limonoids that of the lime juice has been proven to reduce the risk of colon cancer, blood, and stomach. This was revealed by researchers. Limonoids also actively repel free radicals from the body such as the workings of green tea and dark chocolate 

8 Natural Cleaning Agent 
Warm lemon can help detoxify and cleanse the body by removing all the harmful toxins that accumulate in the body so as to make more healthy and fresh. 

9 Improve Digestion Performance 
Consuming lemon mixed in a glass of warm water will give a good effect on the digestive process. It stimulates and activates the body's entire digestive process, helping you stay healthy and active. 

10 Treating Heartburn and Thrush 
The content of Vitamin C in high Lime is very good and can reduce the symptoms of heartburn and thrush 

11. melebatkan Hair 
One chicken egg yolks whipped with lemon juice 3 eggs until blended village. Rub on the scalp, massage-massage until evenly, leave for 2 hours then rinse with shampoo straw so that the hair becomes shiny and dense. The shampoo is made from 1 bunch of straw stubble, burned until it becomes charcoal, not ash, soak it in water and leave overnight. Strain, and shampoo straw ready for shampooing. 

12. Prevent Hair Loss or dandruff 
Two lime cut into three sections, apply to the scalp until blended. Wrap head with a towel overnight, washed the next day. Do it 3 times a week. 

13. For Oily Hair 
Wash hair with warm water mixed with lime juice. The result was a quick aside dirty, the hair will be smoother and softer sheen. 

14. Remove Acne 
 A sliced ​​lemon and then rubbed on the skin with acne on a regular basis. 

15. To Eliminate Dark Spot on Face 
The following step is to eliminate the Dark Spot with Lime way to gently rub the lemon on the black spots the face. way to do this routinely and regularly then black spots will appear vague and ultimately will not be visible. 

That's 15 benefits that I described in this article. For the benefit of lime and other ways to use it I will present in the next section, which is in next section.

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