Thursday, July 3, 2014

Cultivation of Grape In Pots

Cultivation of Grape In Pots

Gardening is a fun hobby. Moreover, hobby gardening could also benefit if we planted trees can bear fruit well. One interesting idea to do gardening is the cultivation of vines in pots. Before planting grapes in the pot, there are a few things you need to prepare in advance, including: 

1. Locations 
Grape cultivation can not be done in any place. Wine can only live well in the hot temperatures and low humidity. That means, a perfect place for the cultivation of grapes is the waterfront area. The location must be selected. Instead, do not put a pot of wine in places that are too broad or too open. The wind is too strong and unstable air temperature can inhibit the growth of wine. 

2. Pot 
Do not think grapes can grow well in pots whatever. In fact, the size and type of pot can provide a significant influence on the growth of wine. The best pots are clay pots as the pots have pores that can absorb water. If there is no clay pot, can be used cement pots. Pot is the worst plastic pots because plastic does not have pores at all. 

3. Growing Media 
The most suitable planting medium for the vines is sand. Because, sand texture is loose so that the roots of the vines can grow and move more easily. To be more loose, sand can be mixed with manure or humus. 

4. Seed 
Grape seed can be obtained with a wide variety, including seeds, cuttings and grafts. However, the easiest seeds are cuttings. Good cuttings should have long roots and the leaves have started to develop. 

If all the preparations are done well, then you can begin planting. Before planting the seeds of grapes, first fill in a pot with chunks of bricks and tiles at the bottom. After that, fill the pot with sand to meet half the pot. Put the seeds and wine refill the pot with sand to the brim. Flush with water. After flushing, the sand will undergo compaction and subsidence. 

Grape cultivation in pots is very easy. In fact, much easier than treatment of the vines in the ground. Wine in the pot is pretty watered every afternoon. Pruning and fertilizing was only occasionally necessary. Basically, the cultivation of grapes in the pot is not as difficult as we imagine. Originally want diligently in care, your wines will surely grow well. For maintenance techniques and so on, you can read the following article: How to Easily Grow Grapes.

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