Saturday, June 28, 2014

Benefits of Acid Fruits For Healthy

For the Java community is certainly familiar with the name of its fruits, this fruit can flourish until the plateau region and lowlands. Did you know that fruits are usually acid often you encounter everyday this turned out to have many benefits other than just be a mix of vegetables alone. Well, in this article I will discuss the health benefits of fruit acids.

Benefits of Acid Fruits For Healthy

Benefits of Acid Fruits For Healthy

Fruit acids are tropical plants and fruit pods have a hard tree trunk and leaves are pretty shady. This sour fruit can grow wild everywhere, both in lowland and the highlands. Sour fruit itself has a lot of content that include apple acid, citric acid, tetrat acid, pectin and sugar. While the sour rind and seeds containing plobatannin albuminoid and starch-containing compounds. Usually the fruit acid is often used to give a sour taste to the various types of cuisines and is also frequently used by the public as an ingredient to make herbal medicine. The following are the benefits of fruit acids for health: 

1. Treating fever 
Society in ancient times often using fruit acids to treat fevers, they usually use a mixture of fruit acids and fennel pulawaras then boil with 1/2 liter of water. Both filtered water is then drunk 2 times a day. 

2. Preventing asthma 
For some people, asthma is a disease that is so painful and can interfere with daily activities. Did you know that turns sour fruit can prevent asthma, because there is a sour fruit in the womb that can provide a sense of relaxation in your respiratory tract. 

3. Treating stomach ache 
Another benefit of fruit acids is to treat abdominal pain. The trick is to take 3 ripe fruit acid and then mixed with dried and finely crushed limestone, after fine then give a little eucalyptus oil and rub on the tummy ache. 

4. Treating thrush 
Acid in this fruit flavors have the efficacy to prevent and treat ulcers, the most convenient way and is often used by mixing with a little sour fruit pulp is then used to rinse the salt. 

5. Preventing hair loss 
It turns sour fruit benefits can be felt from all aspects. Fruit acids can help prevent your hair loss. How to get the benefits of this fruit is massaged mijitkan denagn way sour fruit is ripe on the head and then eaten for 5 minutes then rinse and then use shampoo.

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