Saturday, June 28, 2014

Benefits of Eating Plastica Fruit

Plastica  fruit is a brackish coastal vegetation or trees can reach a height of 12m. Known in the Pacific with the name leva. Spread naturally in the tropical Indo-Pacific, from the Seychelles to French Polynesia. Plastica fruit is often a part of the mangrove forest ecosystem. In Indonesia bintaro now used as plants and shade greening coastal town. The leaves and fruit contain ingredients that affect the heart, a glycoside called cerberin, which is highly toxic. Sap since once used as a poison arrows / tulup for hunting. Poison reportedly used for suicide or kill people.

Benefits of Eating Plastica Fruit

Plastica fruit consists of 8% seed and 92% pulp. The seeds themselves are divided into shells of 14% and 86% seed meat. Plastica seed oil contains between 35-50% (compared with the 14% castor beans and palm oil 20%). More and more and more dried beans bintaro oil content. These oils include non-food oils, such as palmitic acid (22.1%), stearic acid (6.9%), oleic acid (54.3%), and linoleic acid (16.7%).

Benefits of Plastica Fruit

According to the research one of the state universities in Indonesia said that the benefits which can be used fruits bintaro fuel because it produces oil and fruit quality is better than the oils produced by the fruit of the distance.

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