Saturday, June 28, 2014

Benefits of Blueberry Fruit For Healthy

Who is not familiar with blue berry fruit. fruit is still one type and one tribe with strawberry fruit has a million benefits to our body. in this article we will discuss about the health benefits of blueberries. 

Blueberry fruit is a fruit that summer while living in America. In Indonesia alone has not been found this blueberry plants, but we can see this in some kind of fruit iced fruit sold in the market and restaurant. 

Benefits of Blueberry Fruit For Healthy

The benefits of blueberry fruit was first discovered by a scientist named Joseph who is jamesh nutritionist. He examines any content contained in blueberries and what are the benefits that can be obtained if humans consume this fruit. 
1. As an antioxidant 
Blueberries have higher antioxidant content, it is no wonder if the fruit is a favorite for some people, because the fruit with high antioxidant may protect the body from some diseases. 

2. Reducing and preventing hiprtensi 

3. Increase the capacity of short-term memory 

4. Prevent the occurrence of vascular damage in the kidneys 

5. Increasing blood-forming substances 
Blueberries contain substances that can increase blood-forming so as to increase Hb because it serves to bind iron in the blood. 

6. Reduce the occurrence of osteoporosis 
Blueberries contain calcium which it functions to prevent bone loss (osteoporosis), the disease usually occurs in the elderly because of the level of calcium in the body begin to decrease. 

7. Delaying aging 
Blueberries are believed to prevent premature aging, parents are strongly encouraged to consume more fruit because its benefits can be felt immediately.

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