Monday, July 14, 2014

Benefits of Eating Apple Fruit

Apple is a name that is familiar to you, the apple is one fruit that is very well known, during the apples we eat, we often processing it such as juice, into a dessert or as a friend of your diet. In addition to an attractive color too sweet apple flavor and texture of the fruit is soft, certainly not any longer an apple can be called as one of the excellent fruit in Indonesian society.

Benefits of Eating Apple Fruit

So far we only know of the apple fruit flavor and appearance alone, do you know if the benefits of apples very much for our bodies, it is because the apple contains a lot of vitamins including vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, and B6. There are also a number of minerals contained in apples such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc, iron, zinc. Other elements such as tannins, fitokimian, fiber, baron, tartar acid can be found in apples.

Benefits of Eating Apple Fruit

Here are some benefits of apples that you must know:
1. In the apples contain the fiber. Fiber can help you to maintain a healthy digestive system, avoid the diarrhea / constipation. Fiber also helps you to burn body fat and reduce cholesterol, not one that is often to used mop fruit in the diet of the artist or become a dietician for advice from your Yag overweight.
2. If you eat an apple with a bite then chewed, the benefits of apples that you can feel is the increased production of saliva in the mouth. This course helps you reduce bacteria in the mouth, but it was able to maintain your teeth and gum disease..
3. Efficacy of other apples that can be derived from the existing anti-oxidant. it is able to increase the resilience of the body from free radicals.
4. Due in apples also contain vitamin A do not be surprised if you are able to consume like prevented of cataract disease
5. Hereinafter Benefits apples is to assist you in reducing your risk of developing Alzheimer's in the brain.
6. Aside from the benefits of the apple fruit can also be found on the skin of the fruit, apple fruit peel is very useful to reduce the growth of cancer cells in the breast, liver, and colon you.
7. Additional benefits of apples that you can receive is when you experience insomnia, or difficulty sleeping at night, you try to consume at least one apple, since apples help you to sleep quickly.

     Hopefully the benefits of eating apple fruit in this blog useful for you who want to stay healthy and fit, or want to diet.

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