Monday, July 14, 2014

Benefits of Fuji Apples For Health

Fuji apples were first developed in Japan during the 1930s and became increasingly popular since then. Currently, Fuji apple-producing countries in the world is China, and based on statistical data, this fruit becomes a commodity that is very popular in the United States. In addition to its beautiful with red dominant colors, fuji apple has a very delicious taste. Not only that, the high antioxidant content in it makes this kind of apples to be one of the healthiest foods for you.

Benefits of Fuji Apples For Health

Here are some health benefits for fuji apples that have been scientifically proven:

1. Good to Reduce Heart Disease Risk
In the fuji apples contained high amounts of flavonoids, as well as containing the substance Quercitin. Based on a study conducted in Finland, because it contains two substances, consumption of regular fuji apples are known to reduce the risk of heart attack by 20%.

2. Richest Vitamin C
Vitamin C is one antioxidant that is responsible for building the immune system, so the body will become more fit and not susceptible to disease.

3. Reduce bad cholesterol in the body
A fuji apple peeled contains about 3 grams of fiber, which means more than 10 percent of one's daily needs. The high fiber content can help the body to reduce cholesterol levels.

4. Richest Flavanoid
One of the other benefits of fuji apple is rich in powerful antioxidants called flavonoids. Flafanoid acts as a powerful antioxidant that can protect the body from free radical damage. This substance is also capable of protecting cells against TNF, a compound that triggers cancer cell death.

5. Good for People with Diabetes
Apples get sweet taste of natural sugar known as fructose. Along with fiber in fuji apple, fructose will be absorbed by the body slowly, so that helps keep the level of blood sugar levels to remain low.

6. Useful As Sun Protector Natural
Fuji apple skin contains phenol, which is a special type of antioxidant. Phenol is known to help protect the skin from ultraviolet rays that can damage skin cells.

Well, it turns out besides being very tasty, there are many benefits for health fuji apples that can be obtained. Therefore, no need to hesitate to consume them regularly in your diet. Enjoy your apples!

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