Saturday, July 5, 2014

Benefits of Eating Coconut Fruit

Coconut is the name of the tree and the fruit which are scattered throughout the tropical islands in the world. According to available data, nearly one third of the world population rely dietary needs, economic, and drugs of the coconut fruit. These coconuts are thought to originate from the Indian Ocean coast on the Asian side, but has now spread throughout the world's tropical coast.

Benefits of Eating Coconut Fruit

Famous coconuts as fruits that are multifunctional, therefore coconuts always needed and used by the public. This fruit we often encounter on the seashores and mountain area. In addition coconut meat, there is part of coconut fruit which can be used. it turns out coconut water contains a lot of nutrients that is 4.7% of the total solids, 2.6% sugar, 0.55% protein, 0.74% fat and 0.46% minerals.

Benefits of Eating Coconut Fruit

The following are some of the benefits of eating coconuts:
  1. Treating dengue fever.
  2. Streamlining urination.
  3. Relieve fatigue and lethargy.
  4. Treat stomach worms.
  5. As neutralizing drunks.
  6. Sufficient fluid needs for mother / woman who is pregnant.
  7. Coconut water allegedly containing anti-virus and anti-bacterial.
  8. For relief of nausea.
  9. Able to break up kidney stones.
  10. Nutritious coconut water to soften the crust in the kidney.
  11. At the coconut fruit, the most valuable part of the economy is coir. Mesocarp which form part coarse fibers, trading as fuel filler seat, webbing straps, mats, and growing media for orchids.
In addition, coconut meat can also be used to the aroma of the meat dishes and can be used as a drug hair loss and brittle. The meat of young coconuts can be used as ice that normally Indonesian people know as "Ice Degan"

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