Saturday, July 5, 2014

Benefits of Eating Duku Fruit

Duku is the common name of a type of fruits Meliaceae tribal members. Duku plants is derived from Southeast Asia west. Duku vary greatly in nature and fruit trees, so there are also experts who separate them into types (species) are different.

Duku fruit has several characteristics. The characteristics are has small round, thick skin, not sticky when cooked, the flesh is sweet but it tasted bitter seeds. Duku fruit turned out to contain many benefits that we do not know. Start of fruit that can be processed into traditional medicines, wood for building materials and furniture, then it turns out very tasty fruit duku if processed into healthy snacks, such as peanut butter and pudding duku.

Benefits of Eating Duku Fruit

The content in duku fruit is if we consume per 100g duku, so it contains carbohydrates from 7.8 to 14.2 g Protein 0.4-0.7 g Calcium 20 mg Phosphorus 10-19 mg Iron 1 mg Thiamine 0.05 mg Riboflavin 0:02 mg Niacin 0.5 mg Vitamin C from 4 to 13.4 mg.

The benefits of eating duku fruit

Duku fruit crops commonly grown in areas with high and evenly distributed rainfall throughout the year with rainfall between 1500-2500 mm / year. Altitude areas suitable for planting duku is not more than 650 meters above sea level.

The benefits of eating duku fruit among other parts of the duku plant can used as traditional medicine. Duku seeds are bitter taste, can we use as de-worming medication and fever with crushing the seeds and mixing its. The bark is used as a cure dysentery and malaria, while the bark flour was used as a poultice to treat scorpion bites. His skin was also used as a medicine for diarrhea and skin fruit which is dried can be burned as a mosquito repellent. Duku fruit skin especially, dried and processed to be mixed in the incense or incense.

Dietary fiber which founded in this duku fruits can help maintain a digestive tract healthy, reduce the number of blood cholesterol, preventing colon cancer, and rid the body of cancer-causing free radicals. While the content of saponin use as a shampoo ingredient. This fruit can we get easily in the market if duku fruit in season.

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