This blog contain about the benefits of eating fruit which is accompanied by an explanation of the contain that is contained in these fruit.

Benefits of Distance Fruit For Health

Benefits of Distance Fruit For Health

Some time ago we shocked by a discovery that jatropha seed oil can be used as a substitute for fuel oil. When it's busy-busy people in rural planting jatropha. But now somehow fate. It is not clear at all. 

But clearly, since time immemorial our ancestors have been utilizing Jatropha trees for traditional medicine. Almost all parts of the tree can be a useful distance from the start to the roots, sap, leaves fruit seeds to a distance. 

Benefits of Distance Fruit For Health

It is certainly not without reason. Several other research states that Jatropha contains several compounds that the body needs to treat various diseases. 

The content of Distance Fruit 

Here are some of the compounds contained in plant spacing starting from the roots, stems, sap, leaves to the seeds: 
Distance Plant sap: contains flavonoids and saponins and jatrophie content that is antifungal. 
On the leaves of Jatropha found kaemfesterol compound, sitosterol, stigmasterol, and teraksrol Amirin. 
While the seeds of Dintance (Jatropha curcas L.) has been found to contain β-glucanase that have antifungal activity, and curcin toksalbumin that not only has activity as an antifungal, but the chemical content is also useful as anticancer (Ditjenbun, 2007). 
Dregs of Seed spacing has been squeezed oil containing nitrogen, phosphate and potassium. 
Leather Trunk Jatropha contain tannins, night, resins and saponins. 

Well, here are the properties of the castor oil plant leaves begin to sap that has been commonly used as a traditional medicine by our ancestors. 

Whitish on the baby's tongue 
In infants who are breastfeeding, there is usually a whitish attached to the ceiling of the tongue. This causes the baby reluctant to breastfeed and her weight tends to rise. To overcome this we can use the sap of leaves of Jatropha. Usually the distance freshly picked leaves will issue a sap on the leaf stalk. Apply it on the gums and tongue whitish baby will come out with saliva. 

Treating inflammation of the ear 
Ear inflammation can occur due to Influenza sudden marked increase body temperature, pain in the ear, like a deaf little buzzed. To fix this, take half a tablespoon of Jatropha latex then dropped as much as 6 drops into the child's ear, should be done 6 times a day until healed. 

Pain Medication cavities 
Distance sap is antimicrobial so it can get rid of bacteria such as the type of staphylococcus, streptococcus and Escherechia coli and can be used to treat pain due to dental cavities. You do this by taking the distance of nodes using a cotton swab, then placed on the tooth cavities. (Hariyono and Soenardi, 2005). 

Drug Thrush 
Break stems from jatropha freshly picked, there will be little sap comes out. The sap that is directly dioelskan being canker sores on the lips. When the sap has not come out, a little push at the end of the stem (Ditjenbun, 2007). 

Stomach Bloating and in the wind 
When the sudden infant diarrhea and stomach bloating due to colds, take a few leaves of Jatropha old. Then weeded through the flame though somewhat faded and smeared coconut oil, or eucalyptus oil telon. After that attached to the bottom of the abdomen and waist. Allow a few hours, will usually occur immediately exhaust gases and substances that are not useful from the stomach. 

Sores, fungus, and Itching 
Look for native jatropha oil (commonly available in the Artisan sequence). Then heated first. After the dye with cotton and apply on the affected skin. Castor seed oil should not be ingested because it contains toxins that are harmful to human health. 

Wounds and Bleeding 
Drug Injury: 2 teaspoons of Castor oil, ¼ teaspoon of sulfur, a finger wooden hand Secang / Sandalwood, 2 Tablespoon Vaseline, all heated or sauté and stir well, let cool briefly before application to the wound. 

The new bloody wounds can be stopped immediately by the latex of Jatropha trees because they are Anti Microbial such Bethadine to repel infection / bacteria Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and Escherichia coli. 

Rheumatic drugs 
Take the leaves of Jatropha old and fresh, washed clean and smooth mashed with water. Rub the affected parts of the body affected by arthritis or exim, itching, etc.. Or it could be compressed and then leave for a few hours with the new dignti. 

Treating cough and sputum dilute 
Take sufficient distance tree roots, then cleaned and boiled with 7 cups water to boiling and the remaining 2 cups. The water is in the morning and evening drink. Repeat up to 3 times a decoction of the roots of the new recently replaced. 

Enlarge penis 
In addition to some of the benefits above, there is another benefit of Jatropha most sought after by men, namely enlarging the penis. The trick is, keep a distance of 10 leaves along the stem and fruit of the lemon. Both pounded until smooth. Previously doing massage on penis with olive oil until warm. Only then do massage with this medicine. The herb is used to massage three times. 

Okay that he leaves some of the benefits of Distance fruit for health and its sap and seeds. May be useful for the needy.

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Posted by Dinda Nurkholifah Takwiniah, Published at 2:39 PM and have 0 comments

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