This blog contain about the benefits of eating fruit which is accompanied by an explanation of the contain that is contained in these fruit.

Benefits of Soursop Leaves For Healthy

Benefits of Soursop Leaves For Healthy

In previous articles we have discussed the benefits of soursop skin. In addition to skin and soursop fruit, soursop fruit part of others that can provide the benefits of soursop leaves. In this article I will discuss about the function of soursop leaves for health. 

Benefits of Soursop Leaves For Healthy

Soursop leaves contains several compounds that the body has its own function. The most commonly used ways to consume soursop leaves is by boiling soursop leaves with 3 cups water 1 cup water thereby leaving. You can consume the cooking water is 2 to 3 times a day, the way work is done by soursop leaves in the body is very similar to the way we do chemotherapy. 

Benefits of Soursop Leaves For Healthy among others are: 

a. Anti-cancer and anti-tumor 
In soursop leaves are annonaceous acetogenins compounds that function to prevent cancer or it could be called anti cancer. Research conducted by the United States said that the types of cancer that can be inhibited growth by soursop leaves the breast cancer, prostate cancer and 13 other types of cancer. 

b. Treating eczema and rheumatism 
Soursop leaf function for both health is to treat eczema and rheumatism. How can the reader do that is by mashing the leaves of soursop soursop leaves then paste the already smooth in parts and there is pain eczema. 

c. treating Hypertension 
Inside there is a soursop leaf antioxidant content. As you may know that antioxidants are not only useful for the immune system, it can also be merged antioxidant blood vessels so as to reduce the occurrence of hypertension. 

d. Enhance immune sitem 
As I mentioned above that the soursop leaves contains high antioxidants that can boost the immune system. 

e. lowering cholesterol 
Another benefits of soursop leaves is able to lower cholesterol. Cholesterol itself can be defined as the accumulation of fat in the blood. Actually had a lot of drugs on the market that can lower cholesterol, but if you're taking the drug the side effects you can also feel too. The easiest way without any side effects that you can do to lower the cholesterol by eating soursop leaves boiled water. 

You do not need to take drugs that do not rule out the possibility of side effects will occur. You simply use the leaves of the soursop is guaranteed not to cause adverse effects on your body.

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Posted by Dinda Nurkholifah Takwiniah, Published at 6:17 AM and have 0 comments

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